Peter James-Alan Buth was born on July 23, 1995.
He became an angel on October 3, 1995.
I wanted to tell you that you're a very special person with a warm and caring way...that fills our hearts and home with love, and brightens every day. So may God bless and keep you with his angels above. Just as you have blessed us with your very special love. You are my special guardian angel. I just wanted to tell you that I love you and miss you more with each new day. You are always on my mind. Fly high, sweetheart after all you are my guardian angel!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love Mommy & Daddy and all your sisters
Victoria Rose July 23, 1997
Kayla Ann Aug 12, 1993
Amanda Lynn May 24, 1987


© 1997-2002 BethAnne
Updated: April 14, 2002